
In order to help you get out of your mind and into your life, we provide professional, one-on-one counseling services, and help you with life design, redesign and development. We practice an eclectic, existential, mindfulness based, process based and solution focused psychotherapy.

​* Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC)

* Master’s Degree of Counseling (MAC)

​* Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

Mediation, Couples & Group Counseling

We help you understand each other so that you can analyze your options, develop synergy and form durable, effective agreements.

* Transformative: We enable you to transform your relationship

* Facilitative: We facilitate the process of coming to your own agreement

* Evaluative: You request us to make possible agreement suggestions

Communication Training

We train you to value the importance of the present moment, to learn to become present, to remain present and to consequently develop more effective relationships and teams.

* Program Development

* Mentoring


We realize that while assisting people in building their individual capacities, learning is significant. 
Therefore, through Montessori in Motion we offer the following services:

* Tutoring – Assist students & parents with on-line schooling, classes, credit recovery & grade level completion.

* Early Childhood Education – Certified 3-6 yr Montessori teacher – assists in schools and homes.

* Parental Training- Share methods on how to best work with your children – verbally & emotionally.

Yogalong Weekend Release

A beginner level practice to align the spine while opening the breath.


Golden Yoga (Ages 50+)

A yoga practice for those that are of older age and want to be active.



A private yoga session Hatha or Ashtanga Beginner to Advanced.
